Saturday, September 22, 2012

Binge Free: Day 5

I am exhausted....I am seriously going to bed in just a bit.  My sister and nephew are in town and I played with Little for a lot.  We have a really good time.  I have never been so into a kid in my life, I love kiddies, but playing with one for 7 hours straight and having it feel like a second, that is love.

Anyway, food....I ate a cool 1,800 which involved some pizza and cake and it was all yum, but when I started to feel a bit full, I stopped.  Proud here.  Nephew just got put to bed and is bawling and calling out Auwnteeeeeeee....Super Auwntee to the rescue!!!!!!

Night all.  All my peeps with babies, you all are tough, I admire you more than I ever did.

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