Friday, October 5, 2012

Binge Free: Day 5 (Week 1)

I received a wonderful comment from Danielle over at Zombie Love Affair regarding binge eating and I ALWAYS appreciate feedback with anything I post, so THANK YOU!  Also, her blog is really really great, but I am sure most of you already know that.

She shared that perhaps I should set up weekly goals binge free instead of monthly ones and I thought about it and I was like....DUH, that is a GREAT idea.

This will be less pressure for me and I know I can do a week as I just did it a while back.  So, I am going to go for weeks binge free and not months and go piece by piece, baby steps.

As for yesterday, it was a really good day and then I got a bit snacky late night.  I will admit why.......shhhhhhhh.....

So, I had a very good conversation with Crush last night as I typically do and he is a total gentleman, always...... I fear I may be the future pervert with us which is actually quite good as Awful was the perviest perv in the nation (I just gagged) and made me do things sometimes that were WAY outside of my comfort zone.

WHY DID I DO THEM YOU ASK?  Low self esteem......moving on....

So, when I talk to Crush, I sometimes often get turned on.  Yes, his accent is something of my dreams, but it's not just that, it is what he has to say.  He is so smart, and kind, and relatable, and he just feels safe to me.  Also, we have SO MUCH in common, down to even the way we were raised which is what we spoke about last night (sharing rooms with our siblings, climbing in our parents' beds in the morning and cuddling, being nursed, favorite children's books....), I made a joke that I fear that we may be actually related.  So, when I get off the phone with him, I can be hot and bothered.  And then I can't sleep.  And then I try to read and I have these crazy explicit thoughts.  So, then, I eat crackers and cheese.  I had a 500 calorie late night snack last happens......I should go to the gym, I am a member of a 24 hour one, so that may just be the thing.  Or get a new vibrator....

Oh yes, I ate 2,300 calories yesterday.  It happens.  Today is starting well.

1 comment:

  1. I always want to eat at night. Especially since I have class until 8:30PM 2x a week, and a late workout once a week. When I get home I just want to eat, usually toast or something. Trying to get into the habit of just having some tea instead. It really sucks.

    How long have you guys been talking? Perhaps its time to spend some evenings with this guy instead...


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